Spinal Decompression is a non-surgical, non-invasive, and cost effective treatment for disc pain in the neck and back. There are no needles, you do not get unclothed, and the treatments are performed in approximately 40 minute sessions.
If you suffer from neck and back pain you have probably experienced numbness, tingling, weakness, pain, and decreased function of the upper and/or lower limbs. Your symptoms can be so debilitating that they affect your sleep habits, your work performance, and even your routine daily activities.
Symptoms occur when the central disc material (Nucleus Pulposus) breaks through the protective outer disc rings (Annular Fibers) of the disc and moves into the space occupied by a nerve or nerves that travel from the neck to the arm to the hand, or, from the back and down the leg to the foot or to the groin area.
So what is Spinal Decompression?
Spinal Decompression is the result of traction when negative pressure is created within the disc during traction. There are different types of traction and spinal decompression is a result of one of those traction types.
To achieve Spinal Decompression, traction needs to be applied in long axis of extension. In other words, the spinal segments need to be gently pulled apart, systematically and continuously, via a highly technological computerized traction system.
When this technique is applied, negative pressure is created within the disc, allowing for the disc material that has moved away from the central part of the disc to be “sucked back in” and drawn back inside the disc, which takes the pressure off the nerve. Subsequently, this results in reduced neck and back pain, reduced arm and leg pain, as well as promotes true healing of the disc. So, for lack of a better term, this type of traction is also referred to as “Spinal Decompression” – although it’s the “traction” that causes the spine to decompress.
So does Spinal Decompression really work, and can it really keep you from having an invasive, painful, and expensive spinal surgery? The answers are yes and yes, but results do vary. The alternative may be surgery, drugs, physical therapy, and chiropractic manipulation. If these types of treatments have failed, or you don’t wish to risk either drugs or surgery, then you could be a candidate for Spinal Decompression.
Be advised however, that there are cases where surgery is the only acceptable treatment available, and many doctors agree that if a patient has tried chiropractic (not spinal decompression via traction, but manipulation), physical therapy, muscle stimulation, ultrasound, anti-inflammatory, pain killers, and symptoms have not improved with conservative measures, then surgery could be the only answer.
Please bear in mind that with this type of surgery, the part of the disc that has moved out from the center of the disc and is interfering with a nerve is relieved by “cutting” or shaving part of the disc away, or removing part of the vertebra to create room for the visiting part of the disc (Nucleus Pulposus of NP). In short, a laminectomy or discectomy is performed. The bad news is that that this surgery costs a substantial amount of money. The good news is that an experienced and cautious orthopedic surgeon or neurosurgeon will not cut a patient open unless it is a medical necessity and/or if physical therapy and chiropractic manipulation have not worked. On the flip side, an experienced and cautious chiropractic physician will not perform Spinal Decompression (traction) on a patient if it is not clinically warranted or if there are any contraindications to the patient with this type of therapy.
Spinal Decompression performed under the guidance of Dr. Alex usually takes about 20-25 visits over six weeks to achieve the treatment goals and costs $3,500. For most patients the advantages of Spinal Decompression cannot be overemphasized – no surgery, no discomfort, and no post-operative complications or down time, with very good results and for much less money.
If you have tried chiropractic manipulation, physical therapy, and/or drugs, but you are at the end of your rope and do not want surgery (or have experienced a failed surgery), then Spinal Decompression may be the treatment of choice for you. Remember, just because it’s non-invasive and non-surgical does not mean there are no risks. There are certain conditions that will disqualify a patient from receiving this type of traction. An adequate physical examination, x-rays, or even an MRI may be needed before Spinal Decompression can be performed. As always, consult all appropriate medical professional before initiating any treatments, whether at home or in a professional’s practice.